If someone wants to check your credit rating, you should make sure that you are not blacklisted and you have a free report. If you think your finance situation is alright, then you shouldn’t have anything to worry about, but make sure of this before you apply for anything that requires them to check your rating. If you have a bad score and you have applied for something, it is not likely that they will approve your application. If you want to borrow money and you are blacklisted, you are sure to pay back with quite an interest rate if they decide to approve your request. Personal loans are obtainable; as long as you have a good score you should be fine.
When someone decides to check your credit rating, they will be able to see everything about you and your finance situation, past and present. They will see if you have taken out personal loans before, how much money you owe to whom, and with all of this information they will determine if they think you deserve to borrow money or not. If you have a free report, they should have no such reason to deny your application, so look into that should it happen. It is important for a company or lender to check the credit rating of a potential customer as then they are able to see what kind of payer you are and they can determine if they should trust you or not.
If you are a good payer, you don’t miss payments, you always pay on time, and you don’t have too much debt, you shouldn’t worry about your application being denied, unless they have another very good reason. They would normally just use your identity number to check your credit rating, so have that information available.