You can borrow cash even when blacklisted these days as there are lenders out there who are willing to lend money to anyone, as long as they are able to pay it back. If you’ve had debt problems in the past which resulted in you being black-listed now, you don’t have to worry about not being able to borrow cash when you need it. The only thing you have to worry about is the interest rate that the lenders will charge you because of your bad credit. You could go under debt review, if you aren’t already, this will help you keep your spending under control.
Debt consolidation is another option for people with debt problems and you can still borrow cash even when blacklisted. Your bad credit doesn’t matter, as long as you find the right people to lend money from you shouldn’t have a problem. Being under review is not a bad thing either, but people will be able to pick it up if they search through your background. Being blacklisted is terrible because you aren’t able to purchase anything on credit, or rent a house or buy a car, etc, but if you urgently need cash it is nice to know that there are lenders out there who will assist you.
If it is debt consolidation that you are interested in, you can get that too, even if you have a bad credit record. In order for you to borrow cash from a company, there are certain documents that you have to have before they are able to process your application. What you should do is look for the company that has the lowest interest rate and go with them. The reason for this is because all companies are different and have different rules and regulations as well as different terms. You can borrow cash even when blacklisted from many different lenders in South Africa; all you have to do is decide which lender to use.