Lowest Interest Rates on Personal Loans

The interest rate on the loan that you take out will determine how much you will pay for loaning the money. It is also a good idea to look at how long it will take you to pay off the loan because the longer you will be paying for, the more money you will have to pay. Whatever you are going to use your personal loan for, it is essential to compare several different personal loans from several different financial service providers to find the right personal loan for you and your budget. Taking on debt is a very serious step to take in life and must be done with the utmost care and consideration for the consequences of making the wrong move. Remember that the debt you acquire today will affect your future very deeply.   What is a personal loan? A personal loan is an amount of money leant by a financial service provider to an individual who has applied for it. There is always an interest rate on personal loans. Some financial service providers may supply personal loans that have a fixed interest rate while other will offer personal loans that have a compounding interest rate resulting… Read More

African Bank Consolidation and Personal Loans

African Bank consolidation and personal loans are popular with many people trying to either come to terms with or manage their debt or to secure a loan to pay for a range of things including living expenses, education and more. The Africa Bank is a well-known, reputable financial service provider that offers these and other financial products and services. You can contact them for advice, help or guidance about managing your financial situation or to find out about their range of products and services and what they can do for you.   What is debt consolidation? Debt consolidation is when an individual will take out one loan to pay off several other debts in their name. The reason many people do this is because when they have several different accounts, loans and other debts to pay off, the interest rate between all of them can be high and it can be difficult to manage paying so many debts off at once. Taking out one bigger loan to pay all of the smaller debts off is much more convenient as there will be only one loan repayment to pay every month. Other reasons why so many people use debt consolidation is… Read More

3 Ways to Borrow Money other than From your Bank

Because it is not always possible to borrow money from your bank, you might need to know at least three ways to borrow some cash. Due to bad credit, being blacklisted or not having a steady income that qualifies you for a loan from a reputable and well-known financial service provider, or because of the recession, banks might not be willing to give you a loan. There are several ways to find a loan other than from your bank, and as long as you are clued up on all the terms and conditions and what you are getting yourself into, there is no reason you could not try to find a loan from someone other.   The dangers However, if you cannot find a loan from a reputable financial service provider, there are probably good reasons why you do not qualify. If you do not have a steady income that will cover your essential living costs and your monthly loan repayments, or if you have a bad credit record or if you have been blacklisted you should try not to get yourself into any more debt. If you can keep your credit record clean and keep yourself out of overwhelming… Read More

3 Financial Providers in SA to Get a Quick Loan from

If you are looking for a financial help, knowing three loan providers in South Africa to get quick cash from will be helpful. In today’s fast paced, consumer driven world, the ‘essentials’ for living happily and successfully include owning vehicles, homes and other big, expensive assets. Most people require loans to purchase these items. If you are starting your own business, looking to buy a home or vehicle, or if you are finding it hard to keep up with your living expenses you will probably need to borrow money. The majority of people in the world are in debt and will be for several years to come. It is nearly impossible for most of us to keep up our standard of living without debt, and as frightening and dangerous as debt can be, we need it.   Requirements for getting a loan All financial service providers in South Africa offer loans. However, there are requirements for taking out one. The two base requirements are: The financial service provider will want to see that you have a steady, reliable income that will cover all of your essential living costs as well as your monthly loan repayments. The financial service provider will… Read More

Understanding the Debt Review Process

Because life and all the essentials required to live it are incredibly expensive, leaving many people with overwhelming financial burdens, it is important to have an understanding of the debt review process. It could save your financial life and allow you a future to enjoy. In most cases cars, homes, cell phones, store accounts and many other things require loans. These loans add up and accumulate to a cripplingly high amount and with everyday expenses on top of them, your debt could get out of hand very quickly. All it takes is for you or your partner to get retrenched, the interest rate to shoot up a little higher than you thought or a sudden expense like a hospital bill to bury you in a mountain of debt. Any of the above could happen to any of us in todays unpredictable, fast changing world. If you are in over your head you should take action NOW by reaching out to a financial consultant and applying for the debt review process. The alternative could be legal action taken against you.   What happens if I don’t pay my loans? A financial service provider like a bank is a business with one… Read More

Business Cash Loans for Homeowners

If you own a home, you should have access to business cash loans for homeowners. Being a home owner means that you have a significant asset, making creditors feel more secure when loaning you money. If you need cash for your business and you own a home, there are a number of ways for you to apply for the money you need. To find out which loan is most appropriate for your case, visit a financial adviser to help you decide how much money you need and how to extract it. Most loans taken out by home owners taking their homes into account are secured loans.   What is a secured loan? A secured loan is a type of loan in which the person borrowing the money uses an asset (in this case, a home or property) which acts as collateral for the loan. This means that the creditor has secured debt owing to them, and if the borrower defaults on a payment the creditor has the right to repossess the asset that was put up as collateral. This asset may then be resold so that the creditor can regain the amount of money lent to the borrower. If the… Read More

Grants for Small Business

Grants for small business in South Africa can mean all the difference in helping you start a successful venture. Starting up a small business is not easy and there are a number of costs involved when getting off the ground. So there are organizations you can approach to help you secure a grant for a business start-up. 8 places to get grants for small businesses in South Africa The Department of Trade and Industry Umsobomvu Youth Fund Business Partners Limited Real Enterprise Development Initiative (RED Door) Khetani Business Finance The National Empowerment Fund (NEF) The National Productivity Institute (NPI) Proudly South African This may also interest you: Business Cash Loans for Homeowners Grants for Small Business from the Department of Trade and Industry This government department has launched a Competitiveness Fund. This fund aims to provide financial support to entrepreneurs that qualify for the grant. These grants can cover up to 50% of the running costs of the venture. Businesses registered as private sector companies qualify for financial assistance. But they should also state and objective to support competitive business practice. Another grant provided by the Department of Trade and Industry is the Small Enterprise Development Agency (seda). That is… Read More

Top 5 Fastest possible ways to Pay off Debt

If you were wondering what the top 5 fastest possible ways to pay off debt are then here are some tips for you. Debt management is more about paying off your debts but rather should come in to play before you even take out any loans. However, if you are already in the position where you have debt and you want to pay it off fast then here are some solutions for you.   Budget As painful as doing budgets are, they are the best thing that you can do if you are in debt. This way you will be able to track your money. You will therefore be able to calculate your disposable income and allocate amounts to paying back your debt. Stop borrowing money Unless it is a crisis and you absolutely have to borrow money, then do not purchase anything on credit. This way you will be able to manage the exact amount that you will have to pay back on your debt. Of your disposable income, you should allocate amounts to pay off your debt as well as savings. This way should there be a crisis, you will be able to take money from your savings… Read More

Need to Get a Loan with Bad Credit?

Need to get a loan with bad credit? Gone are the days when if you have a bad credit rating or are blacklisted, you could not get a loan. Many financial institutions have realised that the economic downturn or recession that occurred in 2008 caused individuals with good credit ratings to end up in the black. This is because hundreds of thousands of people lost their jobs and were unable to pay off their monthly instalments. As a result, these financial institutions have started offering bad credit loans to people as a means through which these individuals can get their credit ratings back to where they used to be. There are now a number of ways in which you can obtain a bad credit loan.   Private financial institutions Private financial institutions not only offer bad credit loans, but do so with minimal effort on the part of the lender. Many of these institutions have online portals whereby individuals can apply for a loan via the Internet. All you have to do is fill in an application form online and they will determine what size loan they are prepared to give you. There are certain factors that will help you… Read More

Multilend Personal Loan Products

Multilend personal loan products are tailor made to meet the need of the individual or company that is applying for a loan. Multilend is a micro financing company that was established in 1998 and believe in providing financial services to employees of corporate companies that can often be left unnoticed. This company’s aim is to also alleviate any burdens related to the loan and therefore reduce the amount of work that the human resources department of these companies have to do. This means that they can be focused on their staff rather than their staff’s loans. In addition to this, this organisation has a number of principles that it abides by such as not actively promoting loans where no loans are needed. They follow the strict regulations as governed by the NCR’s. In addition to this, they  believe that by making the process as simple as they possible can by assisting clients via fax and email no matter where they are in the country. This means that there is no need for the individual to take time out of their busy days to go into a bank or a brand of Multilend to take out a loan. Now if you… Read More